Philosophy, sociology and psychology:
- Peter Koestenbaum. Article (by Labarre on Koestenbaum): Do You Have the Will to Lead?
- Tony Robbins. Lecture: Our Underlying Motivations (2006)
- LGen. Romeo Daillare. Book: Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Nobel Lecture in Literature (1970) -- start at section 2
- John Doerr. Lecture: On the Environment (2007).
Humour: Tom Papa's stand-up comedy
Mathematical Puzzles: here is a problem an 8-year old child can understand but nobody has solved: the 3n+1 problem or Collatz conjecture.
- Spoiler alert: most web pages about it contain analysis and attempts toward a solution.
- Warning: this unsolved problem is famous for wasting time, as in this comic.
- It is described here and more formally here.
- Academic papers continue to be published about it--e.g. by Tao, Ren, etc.